The Dark Side of Motorcycles


Motorcycles have long been synonymous with freedom, adventure, and a sense of rebellion on the open road. However, with technological advancements, electronic riding aids have become an integral part of modern motorcycles. While these aids aim to enhance safety and performance, there exists a growing debate about their impact on the riding experience. In this article, we delve into the negatives of motorcycles equipped with electronic riding aids, exploring the potential drawbacks that riders and enthusiasts need to consider.

Unraveling the Negatives of Electronic Riding Aids

Negatives of motorcycles equipped with electronic riding aids.
Negatives of motorcycles equipped with electronic riding aids.

Dependence on Technology:

One of the primary criticisms of electronic riding aids is the growing dependence on technology. Traditionalists argue that the essence of motorcycling lies in the raw connection between the rider and the machine. Electronic aids, such as traction control, anti-lock braking systems (ABS), and electronic suspension, can create a sense of detachment by intervening in the rider’s decisions. Riders may become overly reliant on these aids, diminishing their ability to handle the motorcycle without electronic assistance.

Diminished Skill Development:

Riding a motorcycle is a skill that evolves over time with practice and experience. Critics argue that electronic riding aids may hinder the development of essential riding skills. Features like automatic traction control and stability control can compensate for mistakes, preventing riders from fully grasping the nuances of throttle control and bike handling. As a result, new riders relying heavily on these aids may miss out on honing the fundamental skills needed to become proficient motorcyclists.

Increased Cost of Ownership:

While electronic riding aids undoubtedly add value to the motorcycle safety landscape, they also contribute to a significant increase in the overall cost of ownership. Motorcycles equipped with advanced electronic systems often come with a higher price tag. Additionally, maintenance and repair costs can be substantially higher due to the complexity of these systems. This financial burden may deter potential riders from entering the motorcycle community, impacting the accessibility of this beloved mode of transportation.

Potential for Technical Failures:

As with any technology, electronic riding aids are not immune to technical failures. Malfunctions in traction control, ABS, or electronic suspension systems can compromise rider safety. Critics argue that the potential for technical glitches introduces an element of unpredictability, raising concerns about the reliability of these electronic aids. Riders may find themselves in vulnerable situations if the technology fails to perform as intended, leading to potential accidents or loss of control.

Disconnect from the Riding Experience:

Motorcycling is often celebrated for its intimate connection between the rider and the road. Electronic riding aids, however, can create a sense of detachment from the raw, unfiltered experience that enthusiasts cherish. The constant electronic interventions, such as ABS kicking in during hard braking or traction control adjusting power delivery, can dilute the visceral sensations that make motorcycling a unique and exhilarating activity. Some riders argue that this disconnect compromises the very essence of riding.

Complexity and Accessibility:

The increasing complexity of electronic systems in modern motorcycles poses a challenge for riders, particularly those new to the sport. Learning to navigate through various settings and understanding the intricacies of electronic aids can be overwhelming. Critics suggest that this complexity may discourage potential riders, especially those who prefer a simpler, more straightforward approach to motorcycling. The accessibility of the sport may be compromised as technology becomes more integral to the riding experience.


While electronic riding aids undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of motorcycle safety and performance, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential negatives associated with their widespread adoption. The debate surrounding these aids reflects a broader conversation within the motorcycling community about preserving the core values of the sport. As technology continues to shape the landscape of motorcycling, finding a balance between innovation and preserving the soul of riding remains a challenge for enthusiasts, manufacturers, and riders alike.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

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